Most Hydraulic Companies
Believe their company has lost jobs because they were Unable to give a fast and accurate quote.
Believe that confidence in the estimating process Would increase sales and reduce stress.
Believe their sales people would have a higher success Rate if they were able to quote repairs in the field.
Believe their company has lost money on a job because The actual cost of a repair was actually more than it Had been estimated to be.
Have not responded to a request for quote because they Did not have time to quote by the stated deadline.
Have customers asking them to justify their pricing by Asking for a detailed cost breakout when submitting A quote.
- Easy to use – no software to install
- Create confidence in your Estimator and your Customers by using a Innovative, Accurate and Detailed Estimating Software.
- Reduce the time and stress currently found in most estimating processes.
- Create more revenue by using the time saved in a more productive manner.
- Create consistency same type cylinder in 6 months, same repair, SAME PRICE.
- Adjust by percentage Material $, Mechanic Labor Hrs., Machinist Labor Hrs.,or Labor $
- Anyone can estimate a cylinder repair. 24/7 365.
- Estimate from any where all you need is internet access.
- Multiple shop locations will be consistent with each other.
- Allows you to have more control over your efficiency and profit.